Posts tagged honey
Memories of Blueberries + Cream

When I was kid I spent a lot of time sleeping at friends homes. Between my moms schedule; one that required taking my brother to the hospital a few days a week, and dads late nights truck driving - memories of food that I built outside of my family home have stayed in my heart and still give me comfort today. I loved sleeping over Antoinette’s and it wasn’t just because she had two older brothers that were handsome

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Fruity Oatmeal Breakfast Bake

This fruity oatmeal bake came about because I want a good, warming breakfast in the morning without relying on eggs or having to start from scratch to make something in the AM. Staring into the depths of my freezer I questioned when I’d make a smoothie again and honestly answered myself with a “no time soon.” In the colder months I’m way less about smoothies and more about comfort.

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