Memories of Blueberries + Cream


When I was kid I spent a lot of time sleeping at friends homes. Between my moms schedule; one that required taking my brother to the hospital a few days a week, and dads late nights truck driving - memories of food that I built outside of my family home have stayed in my heart and still give me comfort today. 

I loved sleeping over Antoinette’s and it wasn’t just because she had two older brothers that were handsome, hilarious and nice to me - although it didn’t hurt. Her mom Josephine was a bold, beautiful, Italian, home-cooking saint who always made me feel loved despite sometimes feeling displaced. In the mornings, before school, Josephine would get us ready, have us finish up any school work and we’d pack our school bags with textbooks and treats. Soon after our morning ritual came the breakfast brigade. Antoinette’s brothers barreled through the door, hungry and ready to eat - arriving home from their morning paper route - Josephine angelic with her red-blonde hair, standing at the stove, no doubt with the blender on, the toaster at the ready and a wide smile. The smell of bacon in the air, eggs crackling in a pan, big voices and laughs, blueberries with cream and a little bit of sugar in bowls that sat in front of us - it was ceremonious. I loved this morning blueberry treat more than cereal, more than the eggs and bacon - it comforted me as I scooped thick, sweet spoonfuls into my mouth. Antoinette and I next to one another at the small kitchen table, her brothers eating while standing, Josephine in all of her glory being a mom. I would think about how much I loved her.

Today I sat in my living room, wrapped in a blanket, and I texted Antoinette to see how she’s doing. As we wrote, I ate a bowl of blueberries and cream. My adult version with almond milk and a drizzle of honey - I always think of their house, the Wednesday afternoon religious instructions pickups and sleepovers, pool parties and Josephine’s love.

Right now, I truly hope everyone can think of a moment in time that brings them comfort. A meal that feels like home. This bowl of blueberries with cream and cup of golden milk took me back in time, at least for a moment.

Blueberries & Cream
1/2 cup of blueberries
1/3 cup of almond milk
1 shake of cinnamon
1 teaspoon of honey, drizzled

Golden Milk
10 ounces of almond milk 
1/2 teaspoon of turmeric
1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon
1 teaspoon of coconut oil

One twist of freshly ground black pepper 
Place all ingredients in a saucepan, whisk and bring to a low simmer
Pour in a mug, sip while hot, and comfort yourself in memories and good thoughts